Graduation Year


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



Reader 1

Dagan Karp

Reader 2

Siddarth Kannan

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.


Moduli spaces provide a useful method for studying families of mathematical objects. We study certain moduli spaces of algebraic curves, which are generalizations of familiar lines and conics. This thesis focuses on, Δ(r,n), the dual boundary complex of the moduli space of genus-zero cyclic curves. This complex is itself a moduli space of graphs and can be investigated with combinatorial methods. Remarkably, the combinatorics of this complex provides insight into the geometry and topology of the original moduli space. In this thesis, we investigate two topologically invariant properties of Δ(r,n). We compute its Euler characteristic and we provide a conjecture and multiple possible proof techniques for calculating its homotopy type. Finally, we briefly discuss additional questions that might provide interesting future investigation of this complex.
