Fifty Years of the Texas Observer


Fifty Years of the Texas Observer



For the past five decades the Texas Observer has been an essential voice in Texas culture and politics, championing honest government, civil rights, labor, and the environment, providing a platform for many of the state’s most passionate and progressive voices. Included here are ninety-one selections, including Roy Bedichek, Lou Dubose, Ronnie Dugger, Dagoberto Gilb, Jim Hightower, Molly Ivins, Larry McMurtry, Maury Maverick Jr., Willie Morris, and Debbie Nathan.

To mark the Texas Observer’s fiftieth anniversary in 2004, Char Miller has selected a cross section of the best work to appear in its pages. Not only does the collection pay homage to an important alternative voice in Texas journalism, it also serves as a progressive chronicle of a half-century of life in the Lone Star State—a state that has spawned three presidents in the last forty years. If Texas is, as some say, a crucible for national politics, then Fifty Years of the Texas Observer can be read as casebook for issues that concern citizens in all fifty states. With a foreword by Molly Ivins, these pieces form a progressive chronicle of a half-century of life in Texas.



Publication Date



Trinity University Press


San Antonio, TX


Texas, Culture, Politics, History, Journalism


American Politics | History | Journalism Studies

Fifty Years of the Texas Observer
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