Date of Award


Degree Type

Restricted to Claremont Colleges Dissertation

Degree Name

Education PhD, Joint with San Diego State University


School of Educational Studies

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Gwen Garrison & Rafaela M. Santa Cruz

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

David Drew

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Jonathan Luke Wood

Terms of Use & License Information

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Rights Information

© 2023 James L Bolden


Data Management, Data Science, Data Scientist, Data Steward, Data Stewardship, Information Technology

Subject Categories

Computer Sciences | Educational Technology


This study explored the core competencies, technological skills, functional proficiencies, and professional experiences of data scientists at higher education institutions. The specific population of interest was higher education administrators and staff professionals identified as data scientists. This study was informed by the following guiding research questions: (1) How do higher education institutions define the professional roles of data science practitioners? (2) What are the working environments of data science practitioners at higher education institutions? (3) What are the core competencies, functional proficiencies, technical knowledge, technological skills, professional experiences, levels of job satisfaction, and working environments of data science practitioners in higher education? (4) What is the career trajectory of data science practitioners in higher education? (5) What has influenced the job satisfaction levels of data science practitioners in higher education? (6) What steps do data science practitioners take to ensure the results of their analysis are equitable? Previous research needs to include more information on the intersection between the use of information technology and best practices for good data stewardship in higher education. The literature needs to be more extensive regarding the competencies, skills, functional proficiencies, and professional experiences necessary for data science practitioners responsible for data stewardship at higher education institutions. This study used a sequential mixed methods design to gather data. Findings from this study supported past studies and their contributions to the overall evolution of the data science field. Specifically, this study explored the roles of data science practitioners in higher education, uncovering a critical balance between technical proficiency and a cognizance of their work's wider impact. This study emphasized the importance of merging technical expertise with an understanding of ethical, societal, and organizational contexts. It also focused attention on a notable gap in how practitioners perceive their role in fostering institutional equity. In addition, the research incorporated a detailed matrix, constructed from job recruitment bulletins, which profiled data scientists, alongside survey data that provided insights into their professional backgrounds, levels of job satisfaction, and their self-identification within the field. The findings advocate for the enrichment of educational programs and professional development initiatives in data science to enhance equity-mindedness among professionals in this sector. Furthermore, this study suggested several growth opportunities related to practitioners of data science. This is especially true for data science practitioners who work at higher education institutions.


