Date of Award


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Doctor of Musical Arts, DMA


School of Arts and Humanities

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Frank Traficante

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Jane O'Donnell

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Chris Lengefield

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Chris Lengefield

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 1998 Robb Dennis

Subject Categories

Music Education | Music Pedagogy | Music Theory


In 1983, Howard Gardner shook the foundations of intelligence testing and the field of education by suggesting that there are seven distinct intelligences. These intelligences had testable and distinct attributes that were supported by his research at the Boston Veterans Administration. This research cited the existence of savants and prodigies, isolation by brain damage, and psychometric findings as support for Multiple Intelligence Theory. Widely accepted by the education community at large, the application of MI principles has been further elaborated in the writings of Thomas Armstrong and David Lazear. Can the principles of Multiple Intelligence Theory be applied in the area of modern vocal pedagogy? After surveys of the foundations of vocal pedagogy and the principles ofMI theory, the author suggests they can. What follows is an analysis of two current vocal pedagogy texts, Van Clu·isty's Foundations in Singing and Jan Sclunidt's Basics of Singing to determine the variety and use ofMI principles in each. After the analysis, the author suggests applications of MI principles, using aspects of their song learning chapters as a template that can be adapted to any vocal pedagogy text.


Dennis, Robb. Multiple Intelligence Theory and Its Application in Modern Vocal Pedagogy. 1998. Print. is located in the Claremont Colleges Library Special Collections.


