Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


International Relations

Reader 1

Jordan Branch

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© 2022 Simone P Flournoy


Disputed territories and territorial disputes alike are frequent fixtures at the core of foreign affairs and international discourse. In a world that seems increasingly interconnected, it is difficult to imagine how anything could escape observation, let alone powerful countries operating outside the scope of international legal bodies’ rules and enforcements regarding territorial disputes. Disputed territory within the periphery regions of the world offer nations a unique opportunity to act in complete self-interest and operate in a liminal space largely free from the rigid constructions and norms of the global core. The significant state dynamics and drivers that manifest in these geopolitical situations may help reveal the countries’ intentions for the center stage of the global political sphere down the line. This work explores four different environmental areas, the Arctic, maritime zones, land, and outer space, as well as multiple case studies of the periphery impact on disputed territories and why further study of this phenomenon is a valuable tool in effectual foreign policy analysis.
