Graduation Year
Date of Submission
Document Type
Open Access Senior Thesis
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Philosophy and Public Affairs
Reader 1
S. Andrew Schroeder
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In 1975, the U.S. codified Title IX amendments to require institutions that receive federal funding to provide both sexes with equal athletic opportunity, an extension of the requirements on non-discrimination in education. While this has helped increase female participation in athletics particularly at the collegiate level, schools engage in four shady practices that can skirt around the intent of Title IX. These include taking advantage of a singular census date, double- or triple-counting athletes, overpacking rosters, and counting male practice players as female athletes. In this paper, I analyze how each of these four practices might improve female athletic opportunities at the DI level, keeping in mind Dworkin’s conception of the equality of opportunity. My findings suggest that with caveats, there is a way to implement each of these shady practices to incentivize schools to improve the quality of athletic opportunities available to female collegiate athletes at the DI level.
Recommended Citation
Lee, Jeissy, "Equality and Excellence: Providing Quality Opportunities in Women’s Athletics through Title IX" (2025). CMC Senior Theses. 3726.