Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Mark Blitz

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2025 Janelle N Haley


For my thesis I chose to write about the best for of government, in my opinion. I chose to write about this topic because I am a government major and this is a topic that interest me. In my thesis I write about Thomas Hobbes political phiolosphy, refrencing his book the Leviathan to do so. I give a little background on Thomas Hobbes life because I believe it is important for understanding his argument. I also mention the state of the environment he lived in while writing the Leviathan, to also give insight to why he formed the opinions he did. Thomas Hobbes is a very influential and popular philosopher when it comes to the topic of government. For years and years many people, educator and philosophers alike, have debated Hobbes and his political theory. I am no different, in my thesis I highlight central themes in Hobbes political argument. I talk about the state of nature, the state of war, the social contract, the Leviathan, and the right of the sovereign. I use these central themes to explain away Thomas Hobbes political theory for government. In doing so I highlight key quotes that support my explanations.

Once I finish dissecting Thomas Hobbes political theory, as its described in his text, the Leviathan, I talk about the next philosopher, Confucius. Confucius was also a very influential philosopher, especially in China. I give some background to his importance and Confucinism. The reason I briefly mention Confucious because of a couple of central theories in his argument for political theory. I use his work, the Analects, which is a compilation of his teachings prepared by his disciples to do so. Thomas Hobbes’ political theory, paired with a key aspect of Confucious political theory encompases my opinion for what the best form of government is.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
