Researcher ORCID Identifier


Graduation Year


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Second Department

Environmental Analysis

Reader 1

Sarah Gilman

Reader 2

Kathleen Purvis-Roberts

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

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© 2024 Jessica S Choi


Ever since ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure was linked to dermatological diseases, sunscreen has become an essential product for consumers worldwide. However, concerns have arisen over the ultraviolet (UV) chemical filters benzophenone-3 (oxybenzone (OXY)) and octyl methoxycinnamate (octinoxate (OMC)) due to their bioaccumulation in fish tissues and their potential impact on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Yet, research examining OXY and OMC and the factors affecting their levels specifically in Hawaiian reef fish is limited. The research proposal intends to study the bioaccumulation of OXY and OMC in Hawaiian reef fish species Acanthurus triostegus and Chaetodon auriga and how different diets and habitats (high- vs. low-tourist areas) can predict the concentrations in their liver, kidney, and muscle tissues. Fish in higher-tourist areas are expected to have higher concentrations of OXY and OMC than fish in low-tourist areas due to increased sunscreen usage. C. auriga is anticipated to bioaccumulate more OXY and OMC than A. triostegus due to its feeding at higher trophic levels. High-tourist regions are also anticipated to have higher seawater levels of OXY and OMC compared to low-tourist regions. The paper also explores the implications of OXY and OMC bioaccumulation in Hawaiian reef fish for Hawai’i’s tourism and fishing industries. Concerned with their effects on coral bleaching, Hawai’i banned OXY and OMC in sunscreens through Senate Bill (SB) 2751, Act 104, which was announced in 2018 and enacted in 2021. The ban increased tourist awareness, but recommendations for risk assessments and tourist outreach are proposed to address the gaps in its implementation. Although concrete evidence of consequences for the fishing industry and public health is not yet available, their potential impacts are discussed. The integration of the research proposal and policy analysis aims to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the ban’s implications on the ecosystems and communities of Hawai’i.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
