Volume 13, Number 1 (2008)
The Antebellum "Piano Girl" in the American South
Candace Bailey
A Correctly-Attributed Fake
Bruce Haynes
"Attractively Packaged but Unripe Fruit"; the UK's Commercialization of Musical History in the 1980s
Colin Lawson
How one Learned to Ornament in Late Sixteenth-Century Italy
Timothy J. McGee
In Search of the Eighteenth-Century “Violoncello”: Antonio Vandini and the Concertos for Viola by Tartini
Marc Vanscheeuwijck
Book Reviews
"The End of Early Music: A Period Performer's History of Music for the Twenty-First Century" by Bruce Haynes
Roland Jackson
"The Clarinet" by Eric Hoeprich
Colin Lawson
Correspondence: February 5, 2008
Roland Jackson

- Editor-in-Chief
- Robert Zappulla