Date of Award

Spring 2022

Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Political Science, PhD


School of Social Science, Politics, and Evaluation

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Melissia Roger

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Yi Feng

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Sallama Shaker

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2022 Zaid Alkdidi


Governance, Munarchy, Political Reform, Republic, Tunisia, UAE

Subject Categories

International Relations | Political Science


Political Reform is one of the indicators of the governance process, which can be correctly used to build the state and to support its role at all political, economic, and social levels to achieve good governance. From this, it can be said that political reform is positively linked to governance. Thanks to political reform, governance became an essential method that is applied in public policies within states that attempt to achieve by consolidating participation, democracy, and development.Practically, this study seeks to analyze and determine which of the two regimes, Monarchy or Republic is the most effective and successful to achieve the results of the political reform process. Accordingly, the researcher conducts a comparative study of two different political systems, one is monarchial represents in the “United Arab Emirates” and the second is republican which represents in the “Republic of Tunisia”. This is carried out through using one indicator of “Governance” process, which is the process of “Political Reform” in both States, is studied within a specified period from 1990 to 2021.To achieve that objective, the researcher used a combination of three approaches to answer the main question of the study, which is the analytical method, the comparative method, and the case study method. To find which of the two regimes “the monarchy or the republic” is more effective to achieve the results of the political reform process, the researcher divides his study to the following axes: The political system in the UAE and Tunisia during (1990 – 2021). Motives for political reform in the UAE and Tunisia. Challenges of political reform in the UAE and Tunisia. Evaluating the experience of political reform in the two countries and its effectiveness. In this research, the comparative method has been used in addition to the analytical method and case study method.


