Date of Award

Spring 4-15-2021

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

David Amico

Second Advisor

Rachel Lachowicz

Third Advisor

Carmine Iannaccone

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2021 Julie M Loffer


The day I learned that dreams can be real had a profound effect on my life. As I began

to form my art practice, I naturally began to contemplate how we determine what is science

fiction and what is real. People seem to divide themselves by who they are or what they

believe. There are times when science fiction has become real. For example, the idea that

giants or Bigfoot could be real sounds silly to most people. Even though artifacts of unusually

large remains are a part of the fossil record, such creatures are considered science fiction.

Science asks us to consider epigenetics and biology as an explanation. Epigenetics

study the changes in a human after the physical structure of DNA. These changes can be

inherited. The idea is that science is proving that DNA can pass on the memories, trauma,

abilities, fears, and joy of our ancestors. These studies could hold the key to how my

grandfather was in my dream and how my dad knew this by looking at me so he could wake

me up. Where this dreamwalking ability came from and how I am an artist could all be inherited

traits. I am a storyteller and a teacher like those before me. I am an artist. My work reveals my

path backwards and forwards. My intention is to use my gifts to do my part to help humanity

and to help motivate awakenings.

Included in

Art Practice Commons
