Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Film Studies

Second Department


Reader 1

James Morrison

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© 2024 Georgia McGovern


Female rage exists outside of the constructed masculine ideal of anger. To examine female rage, one must analyze the intersections between gender and race. I examine white women's privilege and access to female rage in reality and the fictional world. I explore Black Feminist poetry as a form of storage for rage at gender-based prejudice, racial injustice, and their intersection. Using Myisha Cherry’s term “Lordean Rage”, I recognize this specialized manifestation of female rage as an artistic, intergenerational source of energy for change.

I examine Claudia Rankine’s term “racial imaginary” as an imaginative space in which white people draw lines and imagine Black women crossing them. Notably, white women, by imagining themselves into narratives of victimhood, weaponize white male rage/violence against Black men. Through the usage of the “racial imaginary”, white people have the choice to either narrow their ideas of Black people, thus creating stereotypes such as the ‘Angry Black Woman’, or expand them, thus subverting biases. Thus, the ‘racial imaginary’ is not only a Postmodern weapon for white people to reinforce racial stereotypes and reduce Blackness to a singular narrative through fiction and mass media. It is also a potential tool for deconstructing stereotypes and imagining Blackness as multi-faceted. I emphasize the importance of seeing the imagination, not as ahistorical or post-racial, but as an enraged realm of possibility that lies somewhere between reality and fantasy. This liminal realm of radical possibility comes from a place of ‘Lordean Rage’ because of its metabolizing, peripheral nature.
