Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts

Reader 1

Elizabeth Affuso

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Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

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© 2024 Jad Gorman


This thesis explores the symbiotic relationship between media technologies and fashion branding, examining how the latter is increasingly mediated. In an age where digital platforms dominate, designers have adapted by utilizing a range of media technologies to cultivate desire and construct their perception and identities. The main argument is that media technologies are not just tools for communication but active agents in shaping their brand narratives and consumer perceptions. Whether that be a cult fanbase, reaching a wide consumer audience, or creating anticipation for a certain item, the use of media is often more important than the consumer object itself. Through a qualitative analysis of case studies and examination of contemporary digital strategies, this research investigates the implications of these technologies on fashion branding. The methodology includes content analysis of fashion films, runway shows, and media marketing campaigns. This study contributes to the understanding of fashion branding in the digital age, highlighting the role of media technologies in influencing consumer desire and engagement with fashion brands. It is crucial for comprehending the changing dynamics of fashion promotion and for strategizing future branding initiatives in an increasingly digitized world.
