Graduation Year

Spring 2013

Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Second Department

Politics and International Relations

Reader 1

Jennifer Ma

Reader 2

Alan Hartley

Reader 3

David Andrews

Rights Information

© 2013 Sara Maria Estevez Cores


The current study examined the factors that affect female political participation in students at women’s colleges and coeducational institutions. The first part of the study consisted of building a model to explain female political participation based on previous research findings. The second part of the study consisted of examining differences between the model and the levels of participation among the two groups. Results showed that only self-esteem, femininity, feminist identification and knowledge of female political leaders significantly impacted political participation. No structural differences in the model were found between the groups. Students at women’s colleges had significantly higher means in political activity than their counterparts at coeducational institutions but there were no significant mean differences in political participation.
