Graduation Year


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


W.M. Keck Science Department

Second Department


Reader 1

Babak Sanii

Reader 2

Cameron Iverson

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2014 Holly Chang Hayden


A limiting factor in the digitization of dental devices is the availability of materials suitable for use in both dentistry and the new digital technologies. As a rapidly growing industry, three-dimensional printing (3DP) has the potential to disrupt traditional manufacturing and prototyping methods. A review of both restorative materials and the current 3DP materials has lead to a focus on fiber- reinforced composites in the exploration for a new 3DP material. In addition, another area worth exploring and investing in would be 3D bioprinting as it opens up the possibility of regenerative dentistry.
