Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Mark Huber

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In the following paper, data pertaining to educational shifts during the COVID-19 pandemic is gathered and analyzed. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on students is measured through literature review, data analysis, and regression analysis on student assessment scores. The paper follows COVID-19's impact on the education industry, and notes how school closures and other ramifications of the pandemic gave rise to technological advancements that offer hope for an improved educational infrastructure of the future. The theory of Mastery Learning is explored throughout this paper as a benchmark for the future development of educational models. The paper first identifies some of the existing problems with the implementation of mastery learning, before attempting to dispel these issues by analyzing current education models and the impact of COVID-19 on learning. The final results of the analysis reveal that there is a clear connection between confidence and student performance, meaning identification with a given subject, interest with a given subject, and student self-efficacy can go a long way towards improving test scores. Socioeconomic status and student background were also found to have an impact on exam performance, especially in an online setting. Eventually, a educational framework for tertiary institutions of the future is suggested, and details of the framework are corroborated by the findings collected in this research paper.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
