Performing Archive: Curtis and the "vanishing race”

Student Co-author

Scripps Undergraduate

Document Type



English (Scripps)

Publication Date



Arts and Humanities | English Language and Literature | Film and Media Studies


Performing Archive: Edward S. Curtis and "the vanishing race" is the product of a three-month pilot project for the Claremont Center for Digital Humanities, using source archives and the Scalar platform. At its core it is an aggregation of several existing archival visual material, and sonic collections based on the work of Edward S. Curtis, an early 20th century photographer.


A video recording of Professor Wernimont's discussion and demonstration of Performing Archive: Curtis and "the vanishing race" is available in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library.

Edward S. Curtis photogravures held by the Claremont Colleges Library Special Collections can be seen in the Claremont Colleges Digital Library collection, West-ography, re-imaging the West.

Rights Information

© 2013 Amy Borsuk, Beatrice Schuster, David J. Kim, Heather Blackmore, Jacqueline Wernimont, and Ulia Gosart
