

We live in the age of big data. All types of data are being generated at an increasing rate but theories about the strategies and methods to visualize them is lagging. One of the main challenges we face today in research is to keep up with the massive amounts of data we produce (Allen, Elena A. et.al, 2012). Especially in the field of neuroscience and its use of imaging technologies, the vast array of data has risen to such a high number that it is impossible to grasp the inherent information without additional software tools and intelligent interfaces. Only through this are scientists able to select the relevant information from the generated data of the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) or Positron Emission Tomography PET scans and decide which data should be shown and how.

Author/Artist Bio

Valerie Kummer works as Research Associate at the Centre for Image Science, Danube-University, Austria. She is interested in interactions between arts, science, technology and society. Kummer’s PhD project focuses on the epistemological roles and capacities of aesthetic strategies as applied within neuroimaging technologies.

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