

Dennis Callahan


Dennis Callahan is a graduate student in Materials Science at Caltech and also is an advisor to The STEAM Journal. He has created many types of scientific art, and his images have twice consecutively won first place at Caltech's "Art of Science" competition.

Author/Artist Bio

Dennis Callahan is a graduate student in Materials Science at Caltech. His thesis is focused on exploring design limits for novel types of solar cells to achieve maximum efficiency with minimum cost and use of raw materials. He has created many types of scientific art, and his images have twice consecutively won first place at Caltech's "Art of Science" competition. In his spare time Dennis is an amateur photographer and singer-songwriter. He also experiments with generative art, which is an art form at the intersection of abstract drawing and computer programming in which artistic works are created with a computer through the use of human designed algorithms. One of his major interests and passions is the merging of science and art to help foster a greater widespread understanding of the purpose and importance of each of these typically distinct and ‘under-appreciated’ topics. www.its.caltech.edu/~callahan/Home.html

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



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