

A one-week long summer institute was designed for at-risk middle school students with two goals in mind: increasing interest in scientific inquiry through the use of artistic venues and exposing students to a higher education setting to motivate future goals of post-secondary education. Students were brought to the Iona College campus and were led through STEAM activities by a multi-disciplinary team of educators, who were assisted by a group of motivated undergraduate and graduate students. The summer institute culminated in a dramatic performance prepared and delivered by each of the students.

Author/Artist Bio

Katherine Zaromatidis is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Iona College. She is a licensed psychologist and a certified school psychologist in New York state who has worked with children of all ages to improve student success. Her research interests are focused on teaching effectiveness and best practices in pedagogical strategies. More specifically, she is concerned with developing and supporting the collaboration of teacher educators and school psychology candidates in order to bolster P-12 student outcomes. Kara Naidoo is an Assistant Professor of Education at Iona College. She was a middle school and high school science teacher for eight years in high-needs schools prior to entering academia. Her research focuses on the teacher reflection process, how teacher candidates learn to teach and supporting elementary teacher candidates in becoming teachers of science.

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