Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Environment, Economics, and Politics (EEP)

Reader 1

Joshua Rosett

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© 2024 Caleb C Young


The growing trend of acknowledging ESG performance as a material concern when conducting due diligence on investment opportunities has exacerbated the number of assets being managed by investors with sustainability-oriented goals. At the same time, as social and climate-related issues have become more intense, investors want to use their agency as shareholders to influence companies to act in ways that align with their values. Frequently, this can be most effectively achieved through proxy voting and corporate engagement, particularly if the fund is an active manager. This thesis explores the interaction between ESG-focused ETFs and mutual funds and their management style to build upon the literature surrounding the effectiveness of corporate engagement efforts from managers with these characteristics. Ultimately, this work would help to better inform investment decision-makers on the viability of using ESG fund managers as a primary vehicle for accelerating the green transition. Despite finding highly significant and positive relationships between the proportion of stock ownership by active, ESG-focused managers and firm ESG scores, future studies with more robust data may be able to point more clearly to a causal relationship between the variables.
