
Submissions from 1992


Intervalley Scattering in GaAs and InP Probed by Pulsed Far‐Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy, Peter N. Saeta, John F. Federici, Benjamin I. Greene, and Douglas R. Dykaar


Optical Studies of Single-Crystal C₆₀, Peter N. Saeta, Benjamin I. Greene, A. R. Kortan, N. Kopylov, and F. A. Thiel

Submissions from 1991


Ultrafast Electronic Disordering During Femtosecond Laser Melting of GaAs, Peter N. Saeta, J.-K. Wang, Y. Siegal, N. Bloembergen, and E. Mazur


Optical Property Measurements in Turbid Media Using Frequency Domain Photon Migration, Bruce J. Tromberg, Lars O. Svaasand, Tsong-Tseh Tsay, Richard C. Haskell, and Michael W. Berns

Submissions from 1990


Second-Harmonic Efficiency and Reflectivity of GaAs During Femtosecond Melting, J.-K. Wang, Peter N. Saeta, Y. Siegal, E. Mazur, and N. Bloembergen

Submissions from 1989


Form Birefringence of Muscle, Richard C. Haskell, Francis D. Carlson, and Paul S. Blank


Γ to X Transport of Photoexcited Electrons in Type II GaAs/AlAs Multiple Quantum Well Structures, Peter N. Saeta, John F. Federici, R. J. Fischer, Benjamin I. Greene, L. Pfeiffer, R. C. Spitzer, and B. A. Wilson

Submissions from 1985


Seismic Bracing of Equipment, Richard C. Haskell and James R. Christiansen


Problems of Channel Correlation and Statistical Bias in Photon-Correlation Spectroscopy, Richard C. Haskell and Gary L. Pisciotta

Submissions from 1984


Rediflow Multiprocessing, Robert M. Keller, Frank C. H. Lin, and Jiro Tanaka

Submissions from 1981


Quasi-Elastic Light-Scattering Studies of Single Skeletal Muscle Fibers, Richard C. Haskell and Francis D. Carlson

Submissions from 1980


Hierarchical Analysis of a Distributed Evaluator, Robert M. Keller and Gary Lindstrom

Submissions from 1975


Quadrupole Couplings of N12 and B12 Implanted in Metal Single-Crystals, Richard C. Haskell, Francis David Corell, and Leon Madansky

Submissions from 1974


Study of Stopping Sites of B12 Nuclei Implanted in Hexagonal Single-Crystals, Francis David Correll, Richard C. Haskell, and Leon Madansky


Towards a Theory of Universal Speed-Independent Modules, Robert M. Keller

Submissions from 1973


Li-8 Magnetic Dipole-Moment, Richard C. Haskell and Leon Madansky

Submissions from 1972


Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling of B-12 in a Single Be Crystal, R. L. Williams Jr., Richard C. Haskell, and Leon Madansky

Submissions from 1971


Measurement of Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Moment of Li-8 by Implantation in Metal Foils, Richard C. Haskell, R. L. Williams Jr., and Leon Madansky


Observation of Quadrupole Splitting of B-12 in a Single Crystal, R. L. Williams Jr., Richard C. Haskell, and Leon Madansky

Submissions from 1967


Problems Encountered With Control Networks in Highly-Restructurable Digital Systems, Donald F. Wann, Robert A. Ellis, Mishell J. Stucki, and Robert M. Keller