Submissions from 1972
Vibrations of Pressurized Orthotropic Shells, Clive L. Dym
To Look on Nature, George Gorse and Claire Tyler
On Difficulties in Embedding Lattice-Ordered Integral Domains In Lattice-Ordered Fields, Melvin Henriksen
On the Decomposition of Asynchronous Systems, Robert M. Keller
On the Decomposition of Asynchronous Systems, Robert M. Keller
Richard Brautigan: Youth Fishing in America, Cheryl Walker
Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling of B-12 in a Single Be Crystal, R. L. Williams Jr., Richard C. Haskell, and Leon Madansky
Verbal and Pictorial Similarity in Recognition of Pictures, Sara Wyant '80, William P. Banks, Dale E. Berger, and Paul W. Wright
Submissions from 1971
Domestic Distortions and Trade Policy, Sven W. Arndt
A Study of the NSF College Science Improvement Program, David E. Drew
Jewish Students Today: Radical or Conservative?, David E. Drew
The American Freshman: National Norms for Fall 1971, David E. Drew and Office of Research Staff
Some Remarks on Velocity-Aided Kalman Filtering, Clive L. Dym
Measurement of Nuclear Magnetic Dipole Moment of Li-8 by Implantation in Metal Foils, Richard C. Haskell, R. L. Williams Jr., and Leon Madansky
Toeplitz Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Henry A. Krieger and C.A. Schaffner
The Global Optimization of Incoherent-Phase Signals, Henry A. Krieger and Charles Albert Schaffner
On the Road with the Philosopher and the Profiteer: A Study of Hugh Henry Brackenridge's Modern Chivalry, Wendy Martin
The Validity of Tests of Creative Thinking In Seven Year Old Children, Doris M. Rotter, Lois Langland, and Dale E. Berger
Similarity Solutions to Some Nonlinear Impact Problems, Dale B. Taulbee, Francis A. Cozzarelli, and Clive L. Dym
Observation of Quadrupole Splitting of B-12 in a Single Crystal, R. L. Williams Jr., Richard C. Haskell, and Leon Madansky
Submissions from 1970
A Profile of the Jewish Freshman, David E. Drew
On the Allocation of Federal Funds for Science Education, David E. Drew
The First Year of College: A Follow-up Normative Report, David E. Drew, Alan E. Bayer, Alexander W. Astin, Robert F. Boruch, and John A. Creager
National Norms for Entering College Freshmen—Fall 1970, David E. Drew and Office of Research Staff
Vibrations of Pressurized Orthotropic Cylindrical Membranes, Clive L. Dym
Budan de Bois-Laurent, Judith V. Grabiner
Étienne Bezout, Judith V. Grabiner
Calculus and the Computer: A Conservative Approach, Melvin Henriksen
On Maximally Parallel Schemata, Robert M. Keller
On Maximally Parallel Schemata, Robert M. Keller
Submissions from 1969
The Eigenvalue Set of a Class of Equimodular Matrices, Gerald L. Bradley
National Norms for Entering College Freshmen—Fall 1969, David E. Drew, John A. Creager, Alexander W. Astin, Robert F. Boruch, and Alan E. Bayer
On the Dynamics of a Shell in a Testing Machine, Clive L. Dym
Use of a Tungsten Filament Lamp as a Pirani Gauge for Continuous Gas Analysis, Donald S. Remer and Fredrick H. Shair
Submissions from 1968
International Short Term Capital Movements: A Distributed Lag Model of Speculation in Foreign Exchange, Sven W. Arndt
Perturbation Solutions for the Buckling Problems of Axially Compressed Thin Cylindrical Shells of Infinite or Finite Length, Clive L. Dym and Nicholas J. Hoff
On a Perturbation Problem in Structural Dynamics, Clive L. Dym and Maurice L. Rasmussen
A Theoretical Model for Gas Separation in a Glow Discharge: Cataphoresis, Fredrick H. Shair and Donald S. Remer
Submissions from 1967
Problems Encountered With Control Networks in Highly-Restructurable Digital Systems, Donald F. Wann, Robert A. Ellis, Mishell J. Stucki, and Robert M. Keller
Submissions from 1966
Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Consciousness, Richard Bushman
On the Uses of Psychology: Conflict and Conciliation in Benjamin Franklin, Richard Bushman
Axisymmetric Plane-Strain Dynamic Response of a Thick Orthotropic Shell, Jerome M. Klosner and Clive L. Dym
Submissions from 1965
Minimal Projective Extensions of Compact Spaces, Melvin Henriksen and Meyer Jerison
The Space of Minimal Prime Ideals of a Commutative Ring, Melvin Henriksen and Meyer Jerison
Toeplitz Operators on Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Henry A. Krieger
Submissions from 1964
Averages of Continuous Functions on Countable Spaces, Melvin Henriksen and John R. Isbell
Submissions from 1962
Inspired Constitution, Richard Bushman
Lattice-Ordered Rings and Function Rings, Melvin Henriksen and John R. Isbell
On the Structure of a Class of Archimedean Lattice-Ordered Algebras, Melvin Henriksen and D. G. Johnson
Submissions from 1959
Multiplicative Summability Methods and the Stone-Čech Compacification, Melvin Henriksen
Submissions from 1957
On Minimal Completely Regular Spaces Associated With a Given Ring of Continuous Functions, Melvin Henriksen
Some Remarks on a Paper of Aronszajn and Panitchpakdi, Melvin Henriksen
Local Connectedness in the Stone-Cech Compactification, Melvin Henriksen and John R. Isbell
Submissions from 1956
On Rings of Bounded Continuous Functions with Values in a Division Ring, Ellen Correl and Melvin Henriksen
Rings of Continuous Functions in Which Every Finitely Generated Ideal is Principal, Leonard Gillman and Melvin Henriksen
Some Remarks About Elementary Divisor Rings, Leonard Gillman and Melvin Henriksen
On the Equivalence of the Ring, Lattice, and Semigroup of Continuous Functions, Melvin Henriksen
Submissions from 1955
An Isomorphism Theorem for Real-Closed Fields, P. Erdös, L. Gillman, and Melvin Henriksen
Some Remarks on Elementary Divisor Rings II, Melvin Henriksen
Submissions from 1954
Concerning Rings of Continuous Functions, Leonard Gillman and Melvin Henriksen
On a Theorem of Gelfand and Kolmogoroff Concerning Maximal Ideals in Rings of Continuous Functions, Leonard Gillman, Melvin Henriksen, and Meyer Jerison
Submissions from 1953
On Rings of Entire Functions of Finite Order, Melvin Henriksen
On the Prime Ideals of the Ring of Entire Functions, Melvin Henriksen
On the Continuity of the Real Roots of an Algebraic Equation, Melvin Henriksen and John R. Isbell