Date of Award
Summer 2019
Degree Type
Restricted to Claremont Colleges Master's Thesis
Degree Name
Education, MA
School of Educational Studies
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Subject Categories
Elementary Education
This ethnography allows me to build relationships with my students and their families by looking beyond my own assumptions and biases. By looking at my schooling experience, teaching vision, students, classroom, and first year of teaching experience, I have been able to compare how my schooling influence my teaching visions. By using my teaching visions in my classroom, I can examine whether my visions were ideal, successful, or unsuccessful. Within the classroom, I was able to gain knowledge on three focus students. With these three focus students, I observed those students in the classroom as well as at home. Along with this, home visitations and family interviews were conducted to further improve relationships with students and their families. In addition to these three focus students and their families, I also broaden my knowledge of my class as a whole by analyzing data and identifying strengths, weaknesses, and growth. In addition to understanding my classroom, I studied the community my students are apart of as well as how school and education fit into the community. By communicating with diverse individuals and getting to know their personal story I have been able to develop and grow as an individual and professional in education.
Recommended Citation
DeNardo, Kristin. (2019). The Depths of Knowledge. CGU Theses & Dissertations, 133. doi: 10.5642/cguetd/133