Date of Award

Summer 2020

Degree Type

Restricted to Claremont Colleges Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Teacher Education Internship Program (MA/Credential)


School of Educational Studies

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.


This ethnographic narrative details my journey to becoming an effective critical social justice educator throughout one year. I examine my effectiveness and ability to meet my student’s needs. This ethnography is in four sections. It outlines why I became a teacher while exploring the community in which my students lived. It also details the first impressions of a new school site. I focus on three students throughout the school year and interview their families to get an insight into their home life, which became a vital part of getting to know each student on a deeper level. I learned many things throughout the year, as I prepared to become an educational specialist. I reflect on my challenges and successes throughout my journey while ending the school year during a global pandemic.


