Date of Award

Summer 2020

Degree Type

Restricted to Claremont Colleges Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Education, MA


School of Educational Studies

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2020 Mario Carrillo


Education, teaching, physics

Subject Categories

Education | Physics


This research project was projected towards better understanding the community I serve as an educator so that I can shape my classroom into one that serves my students’ needs. I began by first interviewing 3 students under different categorizations; focus student 1 (FS1) –– a classified English Learner, focus student 2 (FS2) ––a student with a 504 or classified as GATE, and focus student 3 (FS3) –– a student with significant life experience. Following their interviews, I conducted home visits with these students with the goal of creating a better understanding of who they are as people, and what cultural assets they may come into our classroom with. Together, my interviews and home visits helped me better understand my students as individuals which informed my practice as their teacher with knowledge of the assets they possess. To better understand the assets and needs of my school and student body as a whole, I interviewed several community members, and attended a few community events. This portion of my research allowed me to understand my students holistically, raising my awareness of what supports I can/should be offering them.


