Date of Award

Summer 2020

Degree Type

Restricted to Claremont Colleges Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Education, MA


School of Educational Studies

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Sheila Nguyen

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2020 Erica H Quinn


first-year teacher, ethnographic narrative, school closures

Subject Categories

Science and Mathematics Education | Secondary Education | Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education


This ethnographic narrative spans my first year as a middle school science teacher. In it, I reflected on myself, my practices, my students, and the broader context of the school at which I was teaching, including the effects of the Covid-19 school closures. I interviewed students and their families, conducted home visits, interviewed teachers and administrators, and attended community events in order to build a story about how my identity, my students’ identities, and the histories of the community, school, and individual families all came together to create an ecology within our classroom. I then used this story to inform my classroom practices and set meaningful personal and professional goals, both for my first year of teaching and for the future.


