Date of Award
Spring 2021
Degree Type
Open Access Dissertation
Degree Name
English, PhD
Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair
Eric Bulson
Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member
Enda Duffy
Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member
David Luis-Brown
Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member
David Luis-Brown
Terms of Use & License Information
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Rights Information
© 2021 Alyssa Krueger
foreign, genetic, James Joyce, language, quantitative, Ulysses
Readers of James Joyce's Ulysses know that it is a cosmopolitan (multilingual) novel, but most do not know just how many foreign words Joyce used, altered, and inserted throughout the writing process, nor do they know the final tally in the 1922 Shakespeare & Co. edition. This dissertation approaches Joyce's foreign language from a quantitative and genetic perspective, counting all 2,525 foreign words and attributing each to episodes and characters to visualize where and how foreign language manifests in the novel. Genetic data in turn reveals that Ulysses was not always quite so multilingual but instead became more foreign during the writing process. My study explores these foreign words as one type of the "disunities" that Andrew Gibson proposes as entry points for understanding a modernist text's unique mimesis. I explore these foreign interruptions as contributing to a consistent sense of worldliness, or multiculturalism, in the novel. Finally, I turn toward reader-response theory and neuroscientific evidence to explore the foreign words of Ulysses as units of unfamiliarity that slow readers and elicit higher levels of neurological activity, ultimately helping readers learn to read differently.
Recommended Citation
Krueger, Alyssa. (2021). The Map of it All: Quantitative Mapping of Foreign Language in James Joyce's Ulysses. CGU Theses & Dissertations, 216. doi: 10.5642/cguetd/216