Date of Award

Fall 2022

Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Information Systems and Technology, PhD


Center for Information Systems and Technology

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Samir Chatterjee

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Lorne Olfman

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Chinazunwa Uwaoma

Terms of Use & License Information

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Rights Information

© 2022 Neelam Raigangar


citizen participation, framework, sensors, smart academic building, smart city, volunteered geographic information

Subject Categories

Databases and Information Systems | Geographic Information Sciences


Population growth and migration patterns have shown an influx of residents from rural to urban environments. To deal with the problems caused by unprecedented urban influx, cities should plan to use technology in a smart and distinctive way. Tackling at the city scale is hard. But a set of smart buildings that are interconnected by technology will lead to smarter communities which are then interconnected to create a smart city. Smart lobby, building, community, or city is distinguished by its application of integrated software, hardware, and network technologies, along with access to real-time data enabling decision-making, facilitating tracing, tracking and real-time monitoring. For this research project, the unit of study is an academic building that we want to change into a smart building. The goal is to deliver two artifacts. The first artifact is a framework designed to guide developers, while considering stakeholders and technology elements to make a smart lobby engaging for the users. The second artifact is a mobile based application allowing users to access services on smart devices. To identity the services, multiple brainstorming and discussion sessions (Service ideation) were conducted between the researcher and colleagues at Claremont Graduate University. Potential new smart ideas to be deployed were discussed as well as opportunities to transform traditional services to smart services using emerging technologies (Service re-engineering). A preliminary list of 47 ideas were identified. The final three services chosen were based on the scoring by the pre-focus group survey participants (Table 2). Services include: restroom availability—making the occupancy in a restroom COVID-19 safe by limiting the number of occupants; conference room availability—displaying available conference room/public space in real time to allow users to reserve a room using their smart device and, allow management to set and verify occupancy limits; incident reporting—enabling people to report and upload pictures of issues in the facility that require attention. The project’s design aims to make a lobby smart and interactive. The key is to start small and start by making buildings, communities, and cities smarter by using ICTs. We learn and grow from there for larger implementations to be successful.


