Date of Award


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Public Health, DPH


School of Community and Global Health

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Jessica DeHart

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Jay Orr

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Skylar Hanson

Terms of Use & License Information

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Rights Information

© 2023 Rielly Keyser


Breast Cancer Community, Certification Program, Health and Wellness Coaching, Nonprofit Organization, Strategic Planning, Translational Research

Subject Categories

Public Administration | Public Health


Introduction: This dissertation presents a comprehensive study that employs a combined formative and translational research design, alongside a mixed methods approach, to identify and develop strategies for operationalizing and implementing a National Board of Health and Wellness Coaching (NBHWC) certification program within the nonprofit organization Living Your Truth Empowered (LYTE). The research involves evidence-based strategies identification, analysis, and strategic planning to enhance the program's launch and effectiveness, with a particular focus on serving the diverse breast cancer community.

Methods: The study begins with an extensive literature review and the examination of 32 similar programs to identify OPR and IMP strategies. Strategy utilization analysis, comparative analysis, and outcome prediction are conducted to assess the potential benefits and implications of these strategies. Thematic analysis categorizes strategies into prevalent OPRN and IMPN themes, and a risk assessment using SWOT and FMEA methodologies is performed to understand associated risks.

Results: The findings from the analyses lead to the development of additional evidence-based OPRN and IMPN strategies aimed at increasing program success and mitigating risks. These strategies are then translated into a comprehensive strategic plan to guide the launch of the certification program, tailored to the specific needs and goals of LYTE. Each strategy's potential impact on 12 program outcomes is carefully considered, ensuring alignment with desired outcomes and enhancing the likelihood of programmatic success.

Conclusion: The LYTE Foundation Inc. focuses on improving the health and well-being of the diverse breast cancer community through evidence-based approaches and high-quality lifestyle change programs. The study's purpose was to identify, evaluate, and develop evidence-based OPRN and IMPN strategies, translating this knowledge into a strategic plan to guide the launch of the LYTE NBHWC certification program. The integration of identified and developed strategies equips the program to successfully meet the unique needs of breast cancer survivors and emphasizes a holistic systems perspective that recognizes the interconnectedness of program components. This comprehensive approach underscores LYTE's commitment to fostering lasting improvements in health outcomes and enhancing the lives of breast cancer survivors through informed, collaborative, and integrated strategies.


