Date of Award


Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Degree Name

Education, PhD


School of Educational Studies

Advisor/Supervisor/Committee Chair

Lourdes Arguelles

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

John Regan

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Jose Moreno

Dissertation or Thesis Committee Member

Richard Cervantes

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2009 Roberto D LaCarra


Social sciences, Education, Action research, Chicano, Chicano studies, Community college, Cultural affirmation, Validation theory

Subject Categories

Community College Leadership | Education | Latina/o Studies


This action research textbook has been developed as a cultural affirmation method to address the transfer problems faced by Chicano students in community college. The textbook will reach out to students in classrooms and engage them in building social networks that create, support, and reinforce their positive experiences in community college. The primary objective of this project is to provide cultural and practical tools to community college students enrolled in Chicano/a Studies courses so that they can use to replace their fear of failure and potential for self isolation with cultural pride and validation of their achievements. The approach is one of developing and integrating academic material with personal insights, college success strategies, and writing exercises that can guide students to focus on their assets strengths (cultural capital). The action research textbook seeks to encourage students to complete their community college transfer requirements, so that they can transfer to a four year institution, obtain a four year degree, and further develop their cultural, community, and academic identity. Ten Chicano community college instructors who teach or have taught Chicano Studies in California community colleges were asked to evaluate the textbook in terms of (1) historical accuracy; (2) presentation style; and (3) their views regarding the feasibility of the expected outcomes of this action research project. Instructors participated in surveys and semi-structured interviews on the overall effectiveness of the textbook in achieving the expected outcomes. Results indicate that the textbook was an effective educational tool in (1) connecting with community college students; (2) validating and improving self worth of community college students; (3) increased student involvement and academic development of community college students; (4) promoted academic excellence and personal growth of community college students; and (5) positively impacted first year community college students.


