Followership and Follower-Centered Approaches

Document Type

Book Chapter


Drucker School of Management (CGU)

Publication Date



Leadership Studies


For many years, traditional approaches to the study of leadership have reflected three common assumptions: First, leadership is a property of the leaders; second, there is a clear distinction between leaders and followers; and third, leadership is associated with a position in some traditional or formal hierarchy. It is only in the last decade or so that new approaches have started to emerge with the purpose of replacing the dominant leader-centered approach to studying, developing and practicing leadership. In addition, there is a growing recognition in the field of leadership studies that the context of leadership has changed and today's leaders face new challenges that necessitate changes in the ways leadership is performed. This four-volume major work for the first time brings together the key literature charting these developments - including theoretical perspectives, studies and research methods which represent new approaches - as well as providing an overview of the emerging, promising trends in the field of leadership studies.

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