Submissions from 1970
A Profile of the Jewish Freshman, David E. Drew
On the Allocation of Federal Funds for Science Education, David E. Drew
The First Year of College: A Follow-up Normative Report, David E. Drew, Alan E. Bayer, Alexander W. Astin, Robert F. Boruch, and John A. Creager
National Norms for Entering College Freshmen—Fall 1970, David E. Drew and Office of Research Staff
Submissions from 1969
National Norms for Entering College Freshmen—Fall 1969, David E. Drew, John A. Creager, Alexander W. Astin, Robert F. Boruch, and Alan E. Bayer
Submissions from 1966
Jonathan Edwards and Puritan Consciousness, Richard Bushman
On the Uses of Psychology: Conflict and Conciliation in Benjamin Franklin, Richard Bushman
Submissions from 1963
English Franchise Reform in the Seventeenth Century, Richard Bushman
Submissions from 1962
Inspired Constitution, Richard Bushman
Submissions from 1960
Mormon Persecution in Missouri, 1833, Richard Bushman