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Exhibit/Collection Name

Falling Apart While Awake

Creation Date



Crystal Erlendson conceals surfaces with irreverent, ornamental gestures to reveal a daft logic in space. Her paintings stem from the responsibility to act irresponsibly. She participates in injurious and irreverent action to her paintings as way to break up the ho-hum and sterility of surfaces that psychologically constrict us. Memory is invariably part of viewing; forms may feel familiar—imagery alludes to fanciful arrangements of architecture, wall motifs, landscapes and/or reckless human mark making. However, the goal of her work is to not to strike a sense of nostalgia, but rather pursue the unstable truth of our experience in space through paintings that interfere with our logic of the surface.

Link to Student's Full Exhibit

Link to Artist Statement

Rights Information

© 2013 Crystal Erlendson

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.


Art, MFA Thesis Show


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