Exhibit/Collection Name
a crocodile passed by today, I said hello, he said hello, that annoyed me
Creation Date
The creatures in my paintings are vastly invested in catering to my sensibilities. Emotional cowardice, impulsive politeness: through them, I am relieved of those personal culprits. They lend ropes, take blame, spit in eyes, and color my streams of consciousness. Furthermore, they manifest personal and social arrays of vexing scenarios. Suffocating hierarchies, the monotony of existence, my paintings aim to offer respite from such malaise.
Link to Student's Full Exhibit
Rights Information
© 2016 Mayra A. Villegas
Recommended Citation
Villegas, Mayra A., "Don't Go To The Dentist" (2016). CGU MFA Theses Exhibits. Image 1414.
Creatures, Impulsive Politeness, Emotional Manifestation, Suffocating Hierarchies, Painting
Link to Artist Statement