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My work revolves around various interactions that occur when disparate media occupy the same space. This interplay begins in the making of the individual pieces. Whether it is ceramics, sculpture, or painting, I first consider the basic materials involved and their physical attributes. Then, I either accentuate these elements by building them up or bring them to some kind of breaking point by increasing the stress upon them. It is in this process of forming that I make decisions on how the work will interact within the space it occupies. Moving between the media's materiality and the space the works occupy creates dialogs that open onto a broad range of cultural issues.
Link to Student's Full Exhibit
Rights Information
© 2013 Scott Jamieson
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Recommended Citation
Jamieson, Scott M., "GMO" (2013). CGU MFA Theses Exhibits. Image 993.
Art, MFA Thesis Show, sculpture, ceramic sculpture, painting, installation, ceramics
Link to Artist Statement