Date of Award

Spring 4-25-2017

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Rachel Lachowicz

Second Advisor

David Amico

Third Advisor

Carmine Iannaccone

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2017 Adrienne DeVine


I am a mixed media artist and my creative process is guided by cultural memory, the materials I use, and the pleasure I find in the activity of making. My compulsion to make things is accompanied by a propensity for scholarship, hence, my thesis exhibition incorporates Index Obscura; a growing visual and text-based corpus of research into the history and presence of African American artists in the tapestry of American art and culture. I work with a variety of materials and techniques, and consider wide-ranging themes, connected by recurring motifs, gestures, and attributes. Abstraction creates space wherein viewers can find their own meaning in the work. My hand is evident in my conscious and intuitive process of making art. I make no effort to hide it. It is a statement of survival. I am here, and this is what I did. Aesthetic Survival.

Link To Artist's Gallery

Streaming Media

Adrienne_DeVine_Written_Statement_Nov2016.pdf (67 kB)
Extended Artist Statement - descriptive of my process and cultural references

Announcement Card Front.jpeg (51 kB)
Aesthetic Survival exhibition announcement (front)

Announcement Card Back.jpeg (23 kB)
esthetic Survival exhibition announcement (back)
