Date of Award

Spring 3-10-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



First Advisor

Rachel Lachowicz

Second Advisor

Michael Reafsnyder

Third Advisor

Amy Santofarraro

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2020 Sydney E Walters


My work disrupts two kinds of power: gender roles in religious practices, and the perceived power of a ritual object. Constructions of gender and power are thrown onto a stage and cast in a sincere parody that ultimately liberates underrepresented people to perform with agency.

My larger-than-life figures examine who holds power in religious institutions. The figures challenge the intelligibility of their identity because she/they are dressed in religious regalia. In Western Catholicism, maleness is the pre-requisite for priesthood. These church leaders are distinguished by wielding specific religious regalia: i.e. the Ring of the Fisherman, Episcopal gloves, and globus crucigur. I visually transpose these religious relics on to women, thus marking her or them, rightful authorities in these same spiritual practice. Maleness is so normal in religious leadership that presenting a “woman in drag” or “transvestite Jesus,” challenges the normative structure of male leader and presents images luxuriating in the freedom of gender non-conforming religious expression.

Included in

Art Practice Commons
