Friends, Brothers and Informants: Fieldwork Memoirs of Banaras
Nita Kumar
In this unusually personal, evocative account of her fieldwork experiences, Kumar tackles the dilemma of how a Western-trained Indian intellectual adapts to the field and builds deeply affecting relationships with strangers. She discloses what it is like to be a native researching her own culture, offering her fieldwork memoirs in all their spontaneity and candor. We see Banaras through her eyes when she first arrives: throngs of people, cramped and dark lodgings, unappetizing food, mischievous monkeys, and almost overwhelming filth. But as she establishes friendships, we are treated to her discoveries not only about the city and its people, but also about her place in this society. The familiar problems that face most anthropologists conducting fieldwork--of Self versus Other, objectivity versus bias, familiar circumstances versus new and dismaying ones--are given a surprising and complex dimension. Through a narration of her own experiences, the author demonstrates how personal locations--habits, preferences, expectations deriving from childhood memories, and areas of ignorance--impose themselves on the process of selection, observation, and interpretation in research.
Nonstandard Methods in Fixed Point Theory
Asuman Güven Aksoy and Mohamed A. Khamsi
A unified account of the major new developments inspired by Maurey's application of Banach space ultraproducts to the fixed point theory for non-expansive mappings is given in this text. The first third of the book is devoted to laying a careful foundation for the actual fixed point theoretic results which follow. Set theoretic and Banach space ultraproducts constructions are studied in detail in the second part of the book, while the remainder of the book gives an introduction to the classical fixed point theory in addition to a discussion of normal structure. This is the first book which studies classical fixed point theory for non-expansive maps in the view of non-standard methods.
Real-Financial Linkages Among Open Economies
Sven W. Arndt and David J. Richardson
The contributions in this book identify and take up an important problem in international economics -- the split in theoretical and empirical work in international finance and in international trade. This book is unique in attempting to link these two aspects of the international economy together.The eight chapters explore the way exchange rates and international capital movements interact with industrial structure, comparative advantage, and sectoral wage patterns, focusing on results that are valuable to both real and financial analysis in open economies. The principal sources of real-financial linkage discussed throughout the book are structural and intertemporal.In an introductory section, the editors provide an overview of real-financial linkages among open economies and Alan Stockman discusses interactions between goods markets and asset markets. The section on structural sources of real-financial linkages includes chapters by Paul Krugman on pricing to market when the exchange rate changes, Richard Marston on real exchange rates and sectoral productivity growth in the United States and Japan, and Irving Kravis and Robert Lipsey on the assessment of national price levels.A final section on intertemporal sources of real-financial linkages presents an empirical investigation by Michael Hutchison and Charles Pigott into real and financial linkages in the macroeconomic response to budget deficits, and work by Koichi Hamada and Akiyoshi Horiuchi on monetary, financial, and real effects of Yen internationalization.Paul De Grauwe and Bernard de Bellefroid consider long-run exchange rate variability and international trade.
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