Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Shana Levin

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© 2017 Elijah Lichtenberg


Based on the Stereotype Content Model, the current study uses dimensions of competence and warmth along with out-group specific stereotypical traits predicted by SDO, RWA and In-group ID to predict prejudice towards Jews and the elderly. Two groups of 101 non-Jewish, non-elderly American undergraduates and 199 Amazon Mturk workers completed a questionnaire. The study found that out-group specific stereotypes positively predicted envious prejudice towards Jews and paternalistic prejudice towards the elderly across both samples. Additionally, it was found that dimensions of competence and warmth were not consistent in predicting prejudice towards Jews and the elderly, however we still believe these stereotypes as relevant predictors of ambivalent styles of prejudice. Perceived status positively predicted stereotypes of competence across all samples and target groups. Perceived competition was significant in predicting stereotypes of warmth only with our Mturk sample, but not with our undergraduate sample. As a whole, it was determined that individual level predictors SDO, RWA and In-group ID were not relevant in predicting perceived competence, perceived warmth, and out-group specific stereotypes.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
