Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Environmental Analysis

Reader 1

Diane Thomson

Reader 2

Donald McFarlane

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2022 Serena Myjer


The environmental impacts of turf grass lawns are particularly important to consider in California, because of its unique Mediterranean climate and ongoing problems with chronic drought. While California is ideal for agriculture, recreation, and year-round living, the occurrence of drought is natural and not uncommon, evident in historical human and paleoclimate records. Drought impacts humans and wildlife including water scarcity, crop failure, water quality, reduced streamflow, and wetland availability. Diverting water from these critical sources for growing turf grass lawns is inappropriate and harmful. This project is the first analysis of landscaping patterns, trends, and changes in Claremont, California using Google Earth imagery. Among the houses surveyed, we found that 46.75% had changes in landscaping and 53.25% did not change landscaping. Using estimates of water savings from literature, we predicted how much water has been saved by landscape conversion in Claremont. For the median area of turf grass removed, 55.07 m², we find that a household is saving around 14,581 gallons per year. This research is an important step towards understanding the impact of landscaping on water usage and advocating for turf grass removal in Claremont and other California cities.
