Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Film Studies

Reader 1

James Morrison

Reader 2

Ruti Talmor

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2023 Diana G. Simonds


This project highlights my filmmaking skills, while exploring many philosophical reflections that I have uncovered as a young adult. In my childhood, maturation was something that used to haunt me; I feared sacrificing past versions of myself in order to grow. My undergraduate studies have helped me recognize that I am a culmination of all different versions of myself, never letting go of who I was in the past. This is the topic that I sought to explore in my project. The inspiration for this project had come to me in a dream, prompting me to utilize a dream-sequence style film. The entire process served as an ode to my development as a filmmaker, philosopher, friend, and individual.

I began by brainstorming ideas and crafting numerous script-like documents. I then honed my thoughts about action and visuals that would be present in the work. I then went into production, collecting footage over the course of a month. Afterwards, I then had a month to edit my footage, music, and narration. Throughout this process, I learned about the power of dream-sequence films and how the various elements interact with each other. I deeply reflected on growth through a creatively philosophical lens, watching the relationship between maturity, philosophy, and art. Whereas this project was personally transformative, I also was able to put the content in conversation with my other coursework; particularly about externalizing internal thoughts and fears, reliance on one’s community, and the power of art as a medium at large.

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This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
