Researcher ORCID Identifier


Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


International Relations

Reader 1

Minxin Pei

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© 2023 Caroline F Kim


As the world progresses towards a new digital age of widespread internet connectivity and information technology, a new wave of geopolitics has emerged. No longer bound by traditional forms of diplomacy with “government to government negotiations,” modern International Relations has seen a breakthrough from digitalization. Cyberspace has fostered informal dialogue, instant networking, and political transparency in international affairs; However, it has also brought along a string of challenges from weaponization for the purpose of misinformation, censorship, and exploitation in times of conflict.

I explore in this paper the use of cyberspace for information warfare in international conflict. Particularly, I analyze its role in evolving orthodox warfare by deterritorializing diplomacy, increasing the number of actors, and serving as borderless breeding ground for psychological tactics. This paper uses a two-part methodology which first delves into the uses of information technology and then examines the efficacy of digital instruments. It follows two modern case studies, the Russia-Ukraine and China-Taiwan Conflict, to analyze the impact of cyberspace in hybrid warfare. The paper questions: how is information technology used to gain a powerful advantage and attend to political and military objectives, and what is the complementarity between information warfare and kinetic instruments?

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
