Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Sharda Umanath

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© 2023 Aichatou Diaw


The aging global population represents a pressing consideration for user experience (UX) designers. The field of cognitive aging research focuses on characterizing and explaining changes in cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, perception, and problem-solving that occur as people age. Understanding these changes is vital for crafting interfaces that cater to a broader demographic. With the hope of creating more inclusive digital interfaces, this thesis explores the application of three cognitive aging theories, Cognitive Reserve, Cognitive Load Theory, and Controlled Processing, in order to examine their implications for UX design. By integrating insights from these theories, designers can make digital interfaces more user-friendly for older and younger users alike. Practical design guidelines are proposed, covering ideas including feedback, simplicity, and information hierarchy. By embracing the nuances of cognitive aging and implementing age-inclusive design, designers can make digital experiences more intuitive and engaging for a wider audience, ultimately contributing to a more age-friendly digital landscape.
