Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Campus Only Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Chicanx/Latinx Studies

Reader 1

Gilda Ochoa

Reader 2

Arely Zimmerman

Reader 3



This is a project that aims to explore the term Latine/Latinidad. In order to do so, I created a syllabus based on intersectional/decolonial frameworks. This syllabus was split into two different parts. A historical section, which focused on the creation of race in Latin America starting pre-colonization to independence, and a contemporary section that focused on current case studies that demonstrate the shortcomings of the term Latine. In order to create this class, I had to define my frameworks in totality. This led me to many different teaching pedagogies and scholars, specifically Black Feminists Scholars like Patrica Hill Collins, Kimberle Crenshaw, and bell hooks, to name a few from the longstanding tradition of Black Feminism, as well as other scholars such as Paulo Freire. The hope was to push the boundaries of the term “Latine” and hopefully find new ways to be.

This thesis is restricted to the Claremont Colleges current faculty, students, and staff.
