Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



Reader 1

Wei-Chin Hwang

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© 2024 Jenna L Holmes


This thesis explores the complexities of adolescent bereavement and factors that improve resilience. Bereavement in adolescence is particularly difficult and complicated because it occurs during a crucial developmental period, and maladaptive coping during this time has been linked to many negative outcomes. This review covers three different theoretical models (i.e., Model of Adolescent Grieving, Multidimensional Grief Theory, and the Contextual Resilience Model for Bereaved Adolescents) of adolescent bereavement and compares their strengths and weaknesses. The importance of promoting resilience and healthy bereavement is underscored, followed by a discussion of how the type of loss (e.g., parent, sibling, and friend), different demographic variables (e.g., age, gender, and culture), and different risk and protective factors (e.g., relationship to the deceased, circumstances of the loss, previous functioning, social support, positive parenting, grief work, and future orientation) affect the grieving process. In addition, research and clinical recommendations for youth, parents, and schools are explored. Addressing adolescent bereavement is especially important because difficulties in grieving can negatively affect youth mental health and have significant life-long implications.
