Graduation Year


Date of Submission


Document Type

Open Access Senior Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Chicanx/Latinx Studies

Reader 1

Gilda Ochoa

Reader 2

Dionne Bensonsmith

Terms of Use & License Information

Terms of Use for work posted in Scholarship@Claremont.

Rights Information

© 2024 Cassandra L Hernandez


This thesis fuses Chicane Latine Studies (CLS) and Public Policy methodologies to explore how student-centered organizations can incorporate Decolonial Feminism into their program evaluation pedagogy. In today’s society, the political economy, influenced by structural biases, gravely impacts marginalized communities by overlooking holistic wellbeing as a valid priority. Embodying Decolonial Feminism can help community organizations fight back against systemic inequities and redefine for themselves their existence. A starting point is adjusting how organizations conduct program evaluations. Using Chicana Latina Feminista (CLF) Pláticas, concepts from these pláticas culminated into a collaborative decolonial feminist program evaluation guide called "Entremezclando Sueños." This guide serves as a starting point for student-centered and/or student-led community organizations to (re)imagine program evaluations that place self and communal care at the center. Staff Adult Allies and Student Leaders/Members can all benefit from this action plan.


Here is the Entremezclando Sueños Program Evaluation Action Plan.
