
Submission Guidelines

Papers submitted should, at minimum,

  • Present an argument with a clearly articulated claim
  • Develop the argument with effective and appropriate evidence
  • Employ clear and engaging prose

Submissions for the Spring 2014 issue are due by Friday, October 11.

Here are some additional things to consider.

Submission process for FIVE

You may only submit one paper per issue, so choose the paper you think is best.

To submit a paper, email the following information to FIVE Submissions.

  • Your paper in MS Word format. (See additional Formatting Guidelines, below.)
  • A signed copy of the Submission Agreement.
  • A separate document with your name, your college, your graduation year, and your preferred email address.
  • If your paper includes materials (images, tables, etc.) for which you don't own copyright or if your research focuses on interviews or research with human subjects, include appropriate documentation as outlined in the Resources section.

If your paper is selected as a candidate for publication, you may be asked to make revisions to the paper. The Submissions Coordinator may be in touch with you at intervals during the process.

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Formatting Guidelines

When you submit a paper to be considered for publication in FIVE, please observe these formatting guidelines.

  • Do not include page numbers, headers, or footers.
  • Remove all occurrences of your name and all references to your college. (If either of these is important to the flow of your paper, you may substitute XXXXX where these occur.)
  • Write your paper in English. If generally unfamiliar foreign words are necessary, please provide a translation.
  • If images, tables, or figures are not your original work, a full reference to the source must be noted and you must get permission from the original content provider. (See the Resources section of FIVE for more information.) Images, tables, and figures should be supplied with appropriate captions, and kept as simple as possible.
  • FIVE has no rules about the formatting of citations and bibliography other than that the style used (APA, Chicago, MLA, etc.) be consistent throughout the paper. Parenthetical, in-text citations are encouraged. If your citations are in note style, they should be footnotes, not endnotes.
  • Copyedit your manuscript. Pay attention to spelling, grammar, and structure.
  • Submit your manuscript, including tables, figures, appendices, etc., as a single Word document.

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Who can submit?

Any current, full-time undergraduate student enrolled at one of the 5Cs (Pomona College, Scripps College, Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pitzer College) may submit an original academic paper to be considered for publication in FIVE provided he or she owns the copyright to all content (including images, illustrations, etc.) in the paper being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the paper with all its parts for publication in an online open access journal.

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What can be submitted?

FIVE publishes outstanding academic writing from across the disciplines. What is academic writing? It’s the kind of writing you generally do for classes—for example, research papers, project reports, historical analyses, psychological studies, political arguments, close readings or explications of another piece of writing.

  • FIVE publishes papers written in English.
  • Does your paper include information, data, or results of faculty research that you and your professor have been working on together? If so, you must discuss submitting your paper with that professor and have his/her permission to submit the work.
  • Does your paper include images, videos, music, data sets, or other accompanying material that is not original work by you? If so, you must obtain permission from the original content provider in order to have that material published in FIVE. You can find information on requesting copyright permissions in the Resources section of FIVE.
  • Does your paper include interviews or other types of research with human subjects? You may need to have Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval before FIVE can publish your paper. You can find an Interview Permission form and information on IRB approval in the Resources section of FIVE.
  • As you are considering a paper to submit, ask yourself, "Why would anyone other than my professor want to read this paper?" Articles published in FIVE will be read by many people who don't have your knowledge or background in relation to your paper topic. Does your paper stand on its own; that is, could a reader who had not been in the course for which the paper was written understand the context within which you are writing? If not, what can you do to provide the necessary context? Sometimes it will only require adding a sentence or brief paragraph. If your paper needs some rewriting to make it comprehensible to a broader audience, make those changes before you submit the paper.
  • If you have poetry, literary prose (for example, a short story), or visual art that you would like to submit for publication, consider submitting your work to Passwords, a five-college literary magazine of poetry, prose, and visual art.
  • FIVE does not accept senior theses; however, students may submit thesis chapters written for senior seminars. Guidelines for submission of senior theses to Scholarship@Claremont vary from campus to campus, so be sure to check with your advisor on options at your college.
  • Review Submission Policies for additional information on what can be submitted.

One of the best resources you have on your campus is the Writing Center. Make an appointment with one of the Writing Center consultants to review your paper with you as a possible submission for FIVE.

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How will my work be evaluated?

Each submission will be evaluated using a rubric that considers six criteria: context and purpose, content development, communication of ideas and evidence/outside sources, choice of evidence, attribution of sources, syntax and mechanics.

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Review Process

All papers submitted to FIVE are reviewed by a Board of Reviewers and an Editorial Board comprised of students, faculty, and librarians of The Claremont Colleges. The review process is anonymous for authors, reviewers, and editors; reviewers and editors will not know the identity of the authors and authors will not know the identity of the reviewers or editors. Each author's name and college are removed from the submission before it is considered. Board members score each piece individually and recommendations are made based on a general consensus of those scores and discussions at the Board meeting. Although the process is necessarily subjective, we attempt to make it as fair and collaborative as possible.

The Editorial Board, which makes the final selection of papers to be published, relies heavily on recommendations by the Board of Reviewers when making decisions regarding publication of a paper.

Before final acceptance for publication, authors may be asked to make revisions to their papers.

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Submission and Copyright Permission Agreement form: Submit this form when you submit a paper to be considered for publication in FIVE.

Copyright Permission Request form: Use this form to provide evidence that you have permission to include in your paper materials (images, tables, etc.) for which you do not own the copyright.

Interview Permission form: If your paper includes interviews, provide a signed form from each interviewee.

Institutional Review Board (IRB): Research Involving Human Subjects

Research, especially in the social sciences, may involve human subjects. Such research must comply with federal and state regulations concerning use of humans as research subjects. If your paper involves research with human subjects, your work may have already gone through IRB review. If not, you must provide documentation indicating that your research has been reviewed and approved. Not all research involving human subjects requires full review by an IRB, and under federal regulations, some research may be exempt, but this determination should be made by the IRB, not the individual researcher.

Below are links to Institutional Review Board information at each of the five undergraduate Claremont Colleges.

Pomona College IRB

Scripps College IRB

Claremont McKenna College IRB

Harvey Mudd College IRB (HMC's IRB process is handled by CGU.)

Pitzer College IRB

Still have questions?

Contact the Claremont Colleges Library, FIVE staff.

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