Document Type
Harvey Mudd College
Publication Date
A device that uses ultrasonic atomization of a liquid to produce an aerosol of micron-scale droplets is described. This device represents a new approach to producing targets relevant to laser-driven fusion studies, and to rare studies of nonlinear optics in which wavelength-scale targets are irradiated. The device has also made possible tests of fluid dynamics models in a novel phase space. The distribution of droplet sizes produced by the device and the threshold power required for droplet production are shown to follow scaling laws predicted by fluid dynamics.
Rights Information
© 2005 American Institute of Physics
Recommended Citation
Using ultrasonic atomization to produce an aerosol of micron-scale particles. T. D. Donnelly, J. Hogan, A. Mugler, M. Schubmehl, N. Schommer, A. J. Bernoff, S. Dasnurkar, and T. Ditmire, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 113301 (2005).
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Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Commons, Electrical and Computer Engineering Commons