Divide and CONCer: Data Structuring in Applicative Multi-Processing Systems
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Computer Science (HMC)
Publication Date
The conc representation of lists in implementations of applicative languages is introduced. This representation is based on an operator conc which supplements the usual cons, the representation itself being able to coexist with the conventional nested-pair representation. Advantages of the conc representation are presented which relate to multiprocessing and conventional systems. Qualitative comparison with other compact list representations is made. The conc representation exploits demand-driven evaluation and provides further justification for the “tagged data” approach.
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© 1980 Association for Computing Machinery
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Recommended Citation
R.M. Keller. Divide and CONCer: Data structuring for applicative multiprocessing systems. Proceedings of the 1980 Lisp Conference, 196-202 (Aug. 1980). doi: 10.1145/800087.802806